Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Notes: This article is part of ASPAC Triennial Gathering of Characteristic Dimension   Mission, Bible, JPIC and Communication     Coordinators held in Nong Bhua Lampu, Thailand last November 2013.

I believe the complete report on this had been sent by the previous Superior Regional, as well as he had shared during our community meeting last December 2013, so here, I just want to share again only the point about "THE ACTION PLAN OF EVERY CHARACTERISTICS DIMENSIONS" as a guide for us, according to our Regio's situation to try to integrate these four characteristic dimensions into our ministries or apostolates. may It also benefits for each of us, as we put our effort to serve God and His people in Korea.

Action Plan for the Future

I. Mission

ASPAC four SVD Characteristic Dimensions is such a very good and fruitful event which should be continued in the years to come. It can be made as a three year program for the zone. The participants got a lot of inspirations through the input and report from the generalate prespective that give us the panorama and concern of the whole Society on the four CDs; and the reports, discussion and sharing within the coordinators from each country/sub-zone and inter-characteristic dimensions as well give us a lot of inputs, insight, information and sometimes new understanding and new ways to deal with the responsibily or taks entrusted to us by the Society. It enlarge and strenghten our undertanding of the four charecteristic dimensions integratedly and help us to bring it back to share with our confreres in our respective province/region or sub-zone.
The process and the dinimac in the whole program of the meeting is good. It really help us to actively participate and involve in the whole process.
  1. Create inter-linking sharing among mission secretaries within the ASPAC zone and with the Generalate Mission Secretary at leas once a month (through emails)
  2. Fostering awareness among the confreres that the 4 CDs should be in their life and mission (it is also a part of his responsibility) (care for the missionaries, confrere)
  3. There should be proper trained and preparation for the one appointed to be a mission secretary
  4. Mission secretary should be write for sharing information or stories through the news letter of the province.
  5. Encourage and foster the formation (on mission) for our lay-partners/lay-associates in the next three years (involving the three other CDs).
  6. Creative way of fund raising for mission
  1. The provincial superior/cousel call for the meeting with the 4 CDs regularly, at least once a year; the same meeting also in a level of inter-province or sub-zone level.
  2. Prior to the meeting with the provincial superior/council, the meeting within the four CDs should be done
  3. Promote and encourege the lay-missionaries partner to go to other provinces/region or country for mission (for exposure, assistance in teaching, or other pastoral ministry etc)
  4. Continue sharing resource person and materials (on 4CDs, pastoral and spiritual) materials (themes) of retreat or recollection for the specific group, especially family and youth with the 4 CDs
  5. Create net-working among 4 CDs in the ASPAC zone for sharing informations and materials on the 4 CDs
  6. At lesat once a year mission secretary invite Bible Apostolate Coordinator, JPIC and Communicatio Coordinator to go our formation house to give animation on 4 CD for our seminarians
  7. Formation in 4 CDs to be put into the (yearly) formation programs
  8. Giving talk on AJS and mission to the parishioners (regularly) in collaboration with the AJS Team
  9. Looking for the possibilities for cross-cultural and intercultural mission exposure for the youth/student inter-province or in ASPAC zone (area) – youth missionary group

II. Bible

 The ASPAC Zonal Assembly 2013 opened with the Enthronement of the Sacred Scriptures --- an acknowledgement of its central place to make real the Characteristic Dimensions of the Society of the Divine Word.
The keynote expositions of the Secretaries of the Characteristic Dimensions provided a platform for insightful sharing among the Province Biblical Coordinators.
The Sharing Session was a forum for listening to and learning from one another. These were moments of learning that help fan the flame of dedicated enthusiasm to achieve better the aim of the Ministry.
The group of Provincial Bible Coordinators agreed to have one focus priority from among the priorities put forward by the last SVD General Chapter between this Zonal Assembly and the next : FAMILY AND YOUTH
A DEVELOPING DYNAMIC: This Zonal Assembly in Nonbualamphu has fired up the need to join efforts with the three other Priority Dimensions of the SVD: MISSION ANIMATION, JPIC and COMMUNICATIONS
Workable Action Plan
  • To make use of Province /District / Unit Meetings as opportunities for Bible Sharing among confreres.
  • Help create an attitude of consistency among confreres
  • Facilitate to commit confreres participate in existing on-going Biblical Formation, Conferences. Example: the “Jornada Biblica”.
  • Continue holding Biblical Seminars, pursuing regular Lectio Divina or Biblical Reflections using relevant and practical methods.
  • Suggest to provincials to have a common regular meetings with the Coordinators of the Characteristic Dimensions [CD]
  • Creation of The Biblical Ministry Yahoo Group. To make use of the up-coming SVD Website of the CD
  • Where it may be viable, work with the other CD, the Youth, Parents and other lay leaders organise and conduct Youth Camps.
  • To facilitate the possibility of having Dei Verbum Course in the ASPAC Zone tailored more to the realities and needs of the Zone, and as a Collaborative Project of all the CDs together with Provincial leaders of the Zone.
  • Translations of existing materials from other languages to English, Bahasa, Japanese, Chinese…. And sharing them to other Province’s Biblical Coords.
  • To help initiate the process of translating the Bible to languages still denied of its own Bible translation in collaboration with other knowledgeable and competent translators.
  • Get the collaboration of willing lay partners to create materials for schools.
  • Establish a collaboration with existing Christian/Catholic Marriage Groups to produce relevant and useful materials especially for the year 2014.


Report and Action Plan Report of the proceedings of zonal meeting:
SVD ASPAC zonal meeting held at Nongbualamphu from 4-9th of November 2013 with special focus on four characteristic dimensions of the XVII General Chapter was indeed a unique experience for the JPIC coordinators from ASPAC zone. It was very well organized and gave a platform for all to learn from one another the ways and methods of doing mission with the marginalized. It was an enriching experience to listen to four characteristic dimensions of our society in sharing our mission that helped us to be more rooted in our SVDness (we feeling as SVDs). Today we feel that we have one mission as SVDs with four different characteristic dimensions of mission. JPIC as one of the characteristic dimensions has a transformative effect in our ministry when collaborated with other dimensions. This zonal meeting opened our eyes to the awareness of commonality in our missions and the need to move our confreres to imbibe the same spirit. The presence of Formation secretary from Generalate and VIVAT representative helped us to find ways and means to incorporate the four dimensions into the formation program and to network effectively with VIVAT International.
Action Plans of JPIC Commission
JPIC coordinators from different sub zones drafted action plans that are to be implemented in the coming three years based on the sharing and discussions with four characteristic dimensions of 17th general chapter.
  1. Create a data bank of all JPIC activities at Province, Sub Zone and Zonal level and share with the JPIC Generalate coordinator as well as VIVAT International.
  2. Quarterly video conferencing of all JPIC Sub Zonal coordinators along with the Generalate Coordinator through skype.
  3. Constant sharing of information and reports of JPIC activities among the coordinators.
  4. Migration and human trafficking have been identified as the major issue that needs immediate attention and response at the zonal level. Through the zonal coordinator establish network between sending and receiving PRMs of different countries. We recommend through Execom to the superiors of PRMs to appoint personnel to work exclusively for the migrants both at sending as well as receiving PRMs. (Recommendations 2.1.1)
  5. Special effort to be made to collaborate with lay partners on issues of JPIC.
  6. Organize JPIC retreat for confreres and lay associates and other interested partners in each PRM.
  7. Make JPIC an integral part at every stage of formation.
  8. Organize capacity building programs (training) for JPIC coordinators to equip them with the new ways and means to be effective in the ministry.
  9. Promote internship as well as participation at UN Conference and VIVAT International.
Common interdisciplinary action plan at zonal level
  1. Publish and make known to the world our best practices through the help of communication dimension.
  2. Conduct an evaluation of formation program with coordinators of all four characteristic dimensions in our sub zone to know how each dimension can be effectively integrated into different stages of formation.
  3. Conduct mission animation programs for young confreres on four characteristic dimensions.
  4. Coordinators of all four dimensions could come together at least once a year for sharing and to find ways and means to collaborate with one another in fulfilling our common mission.
  5. Include zonal coordinator for formation also in the video conferencing of JPIC coordinators.
We the the eight socialcommunication coordinators representing India, Indonesia, Philippines, PNG, China, Korea, Viet and Japan gathered at Nongbualamphua from 4th – 8th November. We shared and evaluated our ministry in social communication during last three years.
We listen to and share with confreres who are ministering in other characteric dimensions. We recognnise and share our common concerns and challenges, we call for more collaboration and cooperation in order to enhance our svd identity ministries in a more effective way.
After our discussion, we recommend the following action plans for the provincial/regional level and zonal inter-characteristic dimension level:
  1. For social communication coordinators:
    1. Twice a year a zonal SVD ASPAC e.letter to be published. The content can also be provided from other characterisc dimension coordinators. First edition will be availabe by Feb 2014 (Limited to four pages for each province/region);
    2. Skype conference at 10.00am (Thailand time) on 17th March 2014;
    3. Support and promote the
  2. For the zonal inter-characteristic dimensions:
    1. Animating our confreres to own the characteristic dimensions as an svd identity in order to raise the awareness toward common responsibility;
    2. As far as possible , the characteristic dimension coordinators to be included at the provincial/regional meeting on regular base;
    3. More regular meeting to enhance the collaroration and coperation among the characteristic dimension coordinators in the zone;
    4. Making a project oriented SMART plan (Specific, Measuarable, Attainnable, Reasonable, Time frame) among the characterisc dimension coordinators.

5. Conclusion

The meeting was solemnly concluded with a thanks giving prayer service led by Fr. S.M. Michael and proposing of vote of thanks to Fr. Timothy Norton and his team from the Australian Province for their dedicated and fraternal service to make this meeting successful. The meeting also had several exposure programme to the SVD ministries in Thailand. The participants had an opportunity to visit a Buddhist centre to learn about other religions. The meeting came to an end with a SVD get –together and dinner with cultural programmes at the newly built SVD House in Nong Bua Lampu.

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